SCAM! Alert



1. 本公司僅在新加坡擁有合法註冊和經營業務,且未在新加坡境外開展任何商業活動。
2. 本公司未通過任何平台向公眾募集資金。
3. 本公司從未授權任何第三方以我們的名義進行上述交易、投資或其他商業活動。
4. 請您在進行任何與我們有關的交易前,務必通過我們的官方渠道核實對方身份,避免遭受潛在損失。
5. 如發現任何可疑或涉及詐騙的活動,請立即向當地警方報警。



Efinity Capital Management Pte. Ltd.

Dear Customers and Partners,

We have recently discovered that certain individuals are fraudulently using our company’s name to conduct scam activities. To protect your interests, we hereby declare:

1. Our company is legally registered and operates solely in Singapore, with no presence or business activities outside of Singapore.
2. We do not use any platforms to publicly solicit or collect funds.
3. Our company has never authorized any third party to conduct the aforementioned transactions, investments, or business activities in our name.
4. Before conducting any transactions related to our company, please ensure that you verify the other party’s identity through our official channels to avoid potential losses.
5. If you notice any suspicious or fraudulent activity, please report it to the local authorities immediately.
This statement is valid as of 30-Sep-2024.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and sincerely appreciate your understanding and support.

Efinity Capital Management Pte Ltd


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