
Family Office

A family office is an entity that manages the financial and investment matters of ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs). The main objective of this service is the management, organization and maintenance of the family’s wealth.

We have a wide network across all professions and can connect and coordinate across all disciplines to ensure your estate, tax, business, structuring, insurance and philanthropic needs are met.

Efinity Capital has developed a successful approach, in line with the client’s interest, with clear and measurable output, for families who need to focus on their core business. The family office becomes an extension of the family for all non-core business matters such as family governance, family investment policy, estate planning, structuring and Multi-Banks relationship. A true family office is based on trust – we are becoming part of the inner family sphere with the clear understanding that we are not family, we are professional family members.

Wealth Management

Investment Advisory

We advise on and customise each client’s portfolio allocation, to develop an investment strategy tailored to meet specific investment objectives and risk profile.

Our advisory service allows clients to retain control of investment decisions, backed by professional advice, based on best-in class research and products.

To maximise the potential for growth across the portfolio, we take a holistic approach. We constantly analyse and re-evaluate the market, and look to the future, so that we can guide clients on the right strategy to maximise returns across the portfolio, whatever the market conditions.

Discretionary Management

The discretionary mandate is a structured, personalized approach to managing your assets where the daily investment decision is delegated to us, your portfolio managers. Our perspective on discretionary mandates is that returns should be optimized based on the risk allowed through sufficient diversification and active management.

Private Market Access

Through our global network, we are able to access private and exclusive off-market investment opportunities. These range from pre-IPO to private Real Estate Investment opportunities, to opportunities to co-invest with other institutional investors into unique investments.

Legacy Planning

  • Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Legacy plan review
  • Trusts and other structures
  • Inter-generational transfers

Insurance Planning

  • Independent and objective assessment of life insurance coverage
  • Policy comparisons
  • Comprehensive insurance review, selection and implementation

Fund Management

Efinity Capital is able to help clients structure Cayman Segregated Portfolio Company (SPC).
This structure segregates the assets and liabilities of each Segregated Portfolio ("SP") that is created underneath it.

Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.

- Albert Einstein